
I finally found some time to spent on something I wanted to do for a while now: starting an AngularJS based library for OpenCPU. This is to supplement rather than to compete with Jeroen’s excellent jQuery based library. At work I’m developing an interactive application for my biology colleagues. For those who have following me a bit, it should not come as a surprise that this application is based on OpenCPU and AngularJS. To cut down on dependencies and coding styles/semantics, I figured it would be nice to have an $ocpu AngularJS service.

This evening I sat down and had a look at some work I started roughly three months ago. My initial take was basically a copy paste of opencpu.js. However, I figured that the jQuery semantics are slightly different than the AngularJS semantics. As such I started a rewrite which is more AngularJS like (hopefully).

Today I’m pleased to anounce the release of angular-ocpu v0.1.0, which provides very basic functionality. To be more precise $ and $ocpu.rpc seem to work, but that’s all I dare to say for now. Nevertheless, it’s a good start for getting opencpu in your angular application, the angular way.

Surely, I have not integrated this in my actual application yet. That will happen as soon as I have implemented all the features I need. In the meanwhile, if you feel like contributing, have a look at the source and at Once done reading and programming, send me the pull requests!

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Bertjan Broeksema



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